Saturday, May 24, 2014

LATEST ConocoPhillips Indonesia Jobs: Supervisor and Employee Benefit Data Services | Asset Manager

2014 Employee Job Diponegoro University speed post tracking Diponegoro University In preparation for becoming a Legal Entity Status State Universities (PTN-BH), speed post tracking Diponegoro University Workforce Education will receive Variable (contract) number 25 with the following speed post tracking details: S1 Accounting Education Personnel Officer 10 parking
SMA / Sedrajat 15 General Requirements for Indonesian Citizen (WNI) Age 21-35 years on the date of June 1, 2014 Healthy Physical, spiritual and free drugs Behave well and was never sentenced to prison or jail based on court decisions that have permanent legal force never dismissed with respect not his own request or not with respect as civil servants or members of the TNI / police or dismissed with respect as private speed post tracking employees not domiciled as a member of a political party or committee is currently undergoing an agreement / contract employment in the company / other agency personnel Formation Specific Requirements for Educational S1 with a diploma GPA of at least 3.00 and a parking attendant formation speed post tracking with a high school diploma / equivalent. Diploma for education level S1 is obtained from an accredited study program of at least B Procedure Applicants submit the application file is entered into the stopmap: Blue Colour: educational qualification for applicants S1 Color Yellow: for qualifying applicants pendidika speed post tracking high school / equivalent Application documents are arranged in the following order : checklist application Copy of Identity Card (KTP) is still valid written cover letter with black ink and signed by the applicant stating the positions that will be spoken, addressed to the Rector of Diponegoro University. 1 (one) copy of valid / copy STTB / diploma and academic transcript corresponding academic qualifications required, and has been approved by the competent speed post tracking authority 2 (two) color photographs (red background) size 3 x 4 cm The statement speed post tracking is not being bound contract with the company / other agencies stamped Next stopmap inserted into a sealed brown envelope by stating: applicant name; proposed position; and educational qualifications speed post tracking of the proposed on upper right front cover of the envelope. File addressed speed post tracking to: Diponegoro University Rector speed post tracking PO BOX 1269 SMG Delivery applicant's documents through the post to: PO BOX 1269 SMG (no later than May 19, 2014 be received speed post tracking at PO BOX 1269, SMG) Material Material Selection Exam consists of: Written test (Basic Competence Test and Competency Test Field) Psycho Interview Selection Stages
Selection Selection Form Administration administrative completeness and appropriateness of the required educational qualification administration Selection Announcement dated May 22, 2014 (available speed post tracking at:
Selection Phase I Applicants who pass the selection and administration can take the test card on December 23, 2014 in the Division of Human Resources Mel Undip - Rector of Diponegoro University in Semarang Tembalang and Selection Phase I follow a Basic Competence Test of Written Exam and Test Execution Competency Test Field Day / Date: Saturday, 24 May 2014 Time: 08.00 - selasai Venue: Prof. Soedarto, SH Tembalang Semarang Completeness speed post tracking tests were carried cards pens to write Alas Note: Applicants who arrive late are not allowed speed post tracking to enter the exam room and or follow ujlan Announcement of selection results of Phase I to graduation and the Basic Competence Test Competency Test Field Mel 26, 2014 (to see The
Selection Phase II For those who pass the selection Phase I (basic competence speed post tracking test and field competency test) eligible for Phase II in the form of selection speed post tracking tests and interviews Psycho Psycho Implementation Exam Day / Date: Wednesday, 2S May 2014 Time: 08.00 - finish Venue: Prof. Soedarto, SH Tembalang Semarang Completeness tests were carried Cards Alas 2B pencil pens to write Rubber speed post tracking Eraser Pencil Sharpener
Implementation speed post tracking Exam Interview Day / Date: Friday, May 30, 2014 Time: OS.oo - finish Venue: Prof. Soedarto, SH Tembalang Semarang Final Announcement (pass the selection phase II) will be announced on May 31, 2013 through Similarly to the attention If you are interested and meet the required qualifications above, please download the application via the link following checklist this. Application Checklist
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LATEST ConocoPhillips Indonesia Jobs: Supervisor and Employee Benefit Data Services | Asset Manager Onshore Support Bank Muamalat Indonesia Jobs: Customer Service | Indosat Funding Relationship Manager Retail Jobs: Sales Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting Staff | Server, Storage and Desktop Solution Expert Astra O

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