Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Joselito H. in the commentary on the Gospel of Wednesday March 26, 2014 addarodriguez in the commen

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"Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain. Was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light. "
The pedagogy of the Church, by selecting the passage of the Transfiguration to the second Sunday of Lent, showing the key in which we live this time, in the light of Easter. post tracker
In the Transfiguration, Jesus' face shone like the sun, as he spoke of his approaching death with Moses and Elijah. With this blessing we anticipate receiving our nature in the flesh of the beloved Son of God.
Contemplative believers like the transcendent sense of history, anticipated post tracker in all the glory of the Risen and, attracted by the loving gift of the Lord, wishing to accompany Cruz whom the Son of God is revealed. It is the attitude of the beloved disciple, who, in love with the person of the Lord, no fear both death and offering their lives.
World Water Day 2014 Three calls: Lent II Tuesday Secular Gospel for the Third Sunday of Lent calls Three: San Jose To our Creator Boosting hands. Parables, prayers, religious subsidies ... The Spaniards post tracker are positioned before the Regulation of CIEs Three calls: II Lent Monday called Three: Third Sunday of Lent calls Three: II Thursday of Lent
Joselito H. in the commentary on the Gospel of Wednesday March 26, 2014 addarodriguez in the commentary on the Gospel of Wednesday March 26, 2014 María Pilar in the commentary on the Gospel of Tuesday March 25, 2014 yamilet in the commentary on the Gospel of Wednesday March 26, 2014 richi947 in the commentary post tracker to the gospel of Tuesday March 25, 2014 in MILLE LUCE commentary on the Gospel of Tuesday March 25, 2014 Pedro Anibal in the commentary on the Gospel of Tuesday March 25, 2014 in Red cynthia commentary on the Gospel of Tuesday March 25, 2014 Maritza MCC in the commentary on the Gospel of Tuesday March 25, 2014 Maria S. in the commentary on the Gospel of Tuesday March 25, 2014
Talk Time Overcoming Anxiety pray in times of crisis to that, do not call it ... "I do not think most religious have succumbed to secularization" "There is a serious crisis in the church that will lead to be less and less "Word of Mary (II)" I was sick and you visited me "(Mt 25, 36) Gospel Segalr on Sunday 25 in Ordinary Time (September 23, 2012) Gospel Secular on Sunday 16th Ordinary Time ( July 21, 2013)

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