Monday, April 20, 2015

See the day and night on Earth, when it gets dark and dawn every part of depending on the month. Ch

The phenomenon of day and night due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis. So every time a part of the Earth is illuminated, we say that is opposite the sun, while the portion of the Earth is not illuminated in the dark. These sites are lit one after the other and so the day is followed by night.
The length of day and night are not always the same in all places. This is due to the small inclination of the Earth axis. The equator p. X. All year duration day - night are equal (12 hours). This happens in other places-except polon- only during the spring (21/3) and the autumnal equinox (23/9). In the northern hemisphere the longest day we have summer (21/6) and the longest night in winter (21/12)
See the day and night on Earth, when it gets dark and dawn every part of depending on the month. Check the relevant date for the longest and shortest day and night. Experiment interactive CLICK
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