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Punched right through does ups deliver on saturday their armor! We've hit them hard! They're hit! Another one like that should finish does ups deliver on saturday them off! Nice shot! Enemy is hit. Enemy armor is damaged. Penetration. We've got them. Kritikális sebzés az ellenségnek
Enemy destroyed! Another one down! Enemy vehicle eliminated! Gotcha! does ups deliver on saturday Enemy vehicle knocked out! Got'em! We finished him off! Hes gone - find us another target! They're knocked out. Enemy armor is destroyed. Enemy vehicle destroyed! Csapattársat lőttünk
The Loader is dead! Our rate of fire is slow! Our Loader is gone! We can't fire as fast! The Loader bought the farm! They got our Loader! Rádiós meghalt
The does ups deliver on saturday engine is damaged! We've slowed down! We're losing power! The engine is cutting out! They hit the engine! We're losing speed! We've lost half of our engine power. The engine is smoking. Motor bedöglött
Engine stalled, we can't move! Critical engine damage - we're stopped! They hit the engine! We can't move! They've does ups deliver on saturday taken out our engine - we're stuck! Critical engine damage - we're stuck here. Our engine is knocked out. Motor megjavítva
Engine fixed. Let's move on! We've fixed the engine, but we can't go too fast! The engine is holding together for now - don't push it! The engine is fixed, but its not going to hold up the speed. We've repaired the engine, but we can't go very fast. Üzemanyag tartály sérült
Main gun destroyed We can't shoot! Main gun knocked out! They've knocked out our cannon! Our cannon is destroyed! The main gun is destroyed. They took out our gun. The main gun is knocked out! Löveg megjavítva
Main gun repaired but its not going to shoot straight anymore! The cannon is up but the sights are still off! The main gun is working but not very well. The main gun is up, but accuracy is off. We've fixed the main gun, but its still not very accurate. Rádió sérült does ups deliver on saturday
Radio hit! We can only talk locally. Radio is hit! Radio range decreased The Radio is damaged! See if you can raise anyone! The Radio is hit. We cannot raise anyone does ups deliver on saturday outside this area. The antena is damaged! We can only talk locally. Optika / Kilátás sérült
Spotting range reduced to 50 meters. Viewfinder knocked out! We can hardly see anything! They've hit our viewports! Can't see anything! does ups deliver on saturday We can barely see through the scope, nothing pass 50 meters. The range finder took a hit, we can only shoot close targets. Optika / Kilátás sérült megjavítva
Optics repaired! Viewfinder back up - visibility increased! We've cleared the viewports! Keep your eyes open! We've got the range finder working, but it's fragile. The periscope is fixed, but it's still fragile. Torony forgás sérült
The turret is fixed, but its still not turning quickly! The turret works now, but be gentle with it! You can turn the turret slowly now. We've fixed the turret, but it still not turning very fast. Try rotaining the turret slowly, it should does ups deliver on saturday be working now. Felfüggesztés / Lánc sérült
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