Consumer sex objects from sixpacks of baby head energy drinks ems china to steampunk watches and workstations of doom.
One track a week to sum up the track that defined the past seven days. Second badge definitely goes out to an old lover, Skinny Puppy, remixed by a new lover, Necro Facility and in all honesty I couldn’t really decide which one’s the better – the remix that’s been spinned at Tokyo Decadance ems china by cEvin kEy or the original one .
Damage is a subculture researcher and an author of gonzo things. His work includes a decade of community management with subcultures, a lot of infographics, a NYT-acclaimed animation comedy script and a 400+ page gonzo non-fiction book much like Mondo 2000's New Edge Guide. He lives in a masonic lodge in Budapest ems china and is most probably in a work frenzy. Contact him via email , Twitter or Linkedin .
PROTEIGON, created by Steven Briand and Luca Fiore (with some help) during a two month internship at a production company called Partizan, is one of those pieces that worms its way into your brain more because of the how and not so much … ems china
Románia több évszázada pettingel a popkultúrával, ha jobban belegondolunk, a 15. században Vlad Drakulát belőlem írták Tepes havasalföldi fejedelem biztosította a vámpírirodalmat mesterien középszerű szintre küzdő megélhetési írónők jövőjét meg a szombat esti dugást a szubkulturákba szorult, túlzottan érzékeny ems china és olykor szociopata, de …
“Light Rhapsody” is a real time human lighting sculpture. A 3D model has been projected in real time over the real model through a projecting device. It creates a radiant dissemination emanating from her skin.That projection was animated and progress ems china over her entire …
Every four to six weeks I realize I have way too many bookmarks, filter out the music videos and make a random jukebox post of them. This is one of those posts. Until the interwebs finally give birth to a PROPER video playlist …
Kpop is the new black is the new 50% grey. Startup-hírekkel megkavart szombati diákcsemege-ajánló a köbön: aki a koreai meg a japán pop elkötelezett, de legalábbis érdeklődő híve, az szombat kilenctől jöjjön a Tündérgyárba, hogy órák múlva már koreografáltan kereshesse a becsületét a …
I can’t recall exactly how I came across Tympanik Audio but I know how I can’t get away from them. There are a number ems china of huge impulses that keep me locked in ambient/glitch/soundtrack electronica and Tympanik is one of them, the label with …
We hooked up with Alec Empire not too long after Election Day. The mastermind behind Atari Teenage Riot and now his new project, The Hellish Vortex redbulled into a chilly evening and talked about his apparent optimism into 2009, his movie projects, how …
This is the official amGod “Dreamcatcher” promo-trailer from the German electro/industrial project. Release will distributed in two ways: as normal double edition (containing the “Creeped & Bloody” and “Harsh & Dirty” cd’s) and as limited triple edition (containing the “Creeped & Bloody”, “Harsh … ems china
Szívem szerint nem az utolsó napi rohanásban írnám meg, de annyira beharangoztam már nektek, hogy nem hagyhatom már ezt sem 2009re – mik voltak a legjobb ems china appok az iPhone 3Gre? Az alapszabály ems china nyilván üt, ami tényleg jó, azért fizetni kell, a free appokkal ems china …
I play a lot of video games on all gaming platforms. I was skeptical about the Kinect last year but the whole controller free full-body motion experience turned out to be enjoyable. I also found out that good old fashion wired controllers already support …
Planck is an upcoming music-based experiment which looks to play out in a similar fashion to Audiosurf, but with different core elements. Enemies litter your path, and destroying enough of them unlocks a new instrument for the current song. The game doesn’t use … Pzychobitch Insane 5 hours ago Pzychobitch Upside Down 5 hours ago Pzychobitch Sweet Kiss 6 hours ago Pzychobitch Atem Heart 6 hours ago Pzychobitch Pzycho-Pop-Groove 6 hours ago Pzychobitch Maschinerie 6 hours ago Pzychobitch Lotus Eater 6 hours ago Pzychobitch Pussy Gang 6 hours ago Pzychobitch Eyes Off! 6 hours ago Pzychobitch Whisper 6 hours ago
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