Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Do not feel I

Orange tinge in the eastern horizon made me aware of the existence of this moment, I am no longer feel the warmth which has always been my feeling. Wednesday, 10 June 2012 for the first time in my stamping feet FIELD OF PEACE, the place where my life will sustain itself without the warmth. Here I feel the warmth of the other distinct, the warmth of my new best friend, thailand post the only friend I had never known before.
I start the day with an activity that they named TASALAM, activity that was so long and boring, but behind it all I gained valuable experience, which will never be forgotten.
Actually I kemakan including people talk themselves or the term hell PO BOX. First time first time here, exactly 5 years back, when nganterin aunt graduation, I had a look around the boarding school, probably because it has not been so students, so feel weird when clay dorm environment, let alone time to the bathroom. "Really thailand post really big bathroom" I thought it was time. And when you came home from there me and my cousin who is participating, talking about it, and said not to go into the PEACE FIELD. A
And when I graduated MTs in tawarin mamah want school where, I replied up, eh not taunya of up to answer it I didaftarin school in the PEACE FIELD. I just knew when take a test. A
Do not feel I've been here 1.5 years, thailand post and I also know that I used the bathroom omongin Sangrila it's called, do not know what tuh history. But behind all of that I get a lot of valuable lessons that do not judge something just by looking at it one time only.
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