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So read on below ... if you have time of course not want to go to another website to see any kotsompolio ... to spend your time ... ... THEY DID NOT lose THEIR TIME WITH NOTHING !! ! After our deputies, the three parties of the government, can not make a trip out to their families and keep their hunt and clearly, the world, the wrath of the economic measures no longer taming ... decided for both their safety, and for the imposition of the order, as perceived ... to take over the most brutal and heavily posttarieven 2013 armed private army in the world !!! What do you police officers, who with 800 euro salary afraid our Members, 8000 euro, do not turn around and they ... and punches all of them in the House ... On the other hand the decrepit army afraid ...?
Remember our articles with Saints prophecies, for serious incidents in the House ... for persecuted Christians ...? Remember our articles, with voices of people and politicians, to talk about world government and of course the appropriate "weapons" ...? If you had the janissary ... sometime in your Greek history, to a "corral" because since you vote the same "patriots", you will see non-Christians can now guard your House who will not "give chestnut" for your party !! ! So simple, folk ... When once were fighting the enemy ... now paying him to come !!!!!
Wake BROTHERS HAVE WAR !!! NOT WHAT IS DEMOCRACY LIVE !!!! To see what army guards all our cities, from 2013 !!! ... The government signed a contract with Blackwater for safekeeping of cities? Will push the country into civil war ... They sign a contract with private military company currently closed police academies and disarm the Greek Army !;
... The current three-party government signed a contract with the former posttarieven 2013 Blackwater, which provides staff for setting up patrols with heavy vehicles and heavy weapons in urban centers for safekeeping ... legal order. The Greek government has already ordered armored vehicles and weapons, which will be provided to the company, the private army which, has taken office in early 2013 !!!! How random can be the padlock police schools over the next two years and the reduction of students in military schools by 30%; The artistic "fight" between "right" and "left" will give rise to the intervention of the private army! It is now clear that the Global System wants bloodshed. The same wishes and tripartite Greek collaborationist government. Remember, the New World Order wants social and political destabilization, worldwide, for egkathydrisi Global posttarieven 2013 Governance. Remember, as long as there rises the Greek population, which so wish, will take increasingly piodysvastachta measures. Because what they want is the blood, leading to chaos and then to broader social and political destabilization in the region ....! So now it comes to confirm this theory, Mr. Kazakis. To quote from the recent PROGRAM AE D.Kazakis refers to any investment reports. One of them warned of direct purchase of equities, which provide private armies to governments ...! Specifically mentioned that this is a new industry with a turnover of 100 billion dollars. H specific reference talked for a contract that has been signed with the Greek government. It is reported that the Greek government has ordered armored vehicles and heavy weapons, will provide the Army of the company, who will carry out patrols. This company has taken service in early 2013. The more serious the case, it is that the current three-party government, has reportedly signed these conventions and has ordered the reinforcement. Yes yes .... today three "leaders" who cut both for the good of Greece ...! The overall equipment, including armored vehicles, as the R4, which will bring heavy weapons posttarieven 2013 and accompanied by motorcyclists. This organizational model is a model gendarmerie. The collaborationist political system, is preparing posttarieven 2013 to push the Greek people in the civil !!!!!!
Check out some more information about the company posttarieven 2013 H Academie , former NA services, formerly Blackwater USA & Blackwater Worldwide, is a private military company, founded posttarieven 2013 in 1997 by Erik Prince posttarieven 2013 and Al Clark. The "Academy" is the largest of the three private companies "security", working for the Foreign Ministry
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