Friday, January 23, 2015

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Since I send a birthday card to Switzerland, franked correctly. And on time. Mail from Boston usually requires only three to five days. But this time I find the envelope two days later in their mail box again. My mistake, as it turned out. I had the label glued to the sender mistakenly left bottom instead of the top left of the letter.
However, I'm going to the post office to complain about. It is point 18.01 clock, no problem, the Post has until midnight every day open of 6 clock early, even on weekends. I prefer magpost the number 555. The note is the expected waiting time is zero minutes. In fact, my number is called soon.
I have a precaution, a new envelope here. That would not have been necessary but. The woman at the counter told me shortly error, the label glued by hand to the right place, and stamped the letter from new. Free. I apologize briefly. "No, no, you have no reason to apologize," she says. And then the letter is on the road again. Wow! That's what I mean by public service. I dare not think what would have happened in Switzerland: Long wait, rude staff, post office already closed, pay postage again? magpost
PS: The United States Postal Service (USPS) magpost is NOT privatized. And the post offices are NOT grocery stores, but offer all that is needed around the sending magpost of letters and parcels. However, costs an overseas letter (Standard, up to 50 grams) only 10.01 dollars, and not 2.80 francs (Economy) or 3.80 Swiss francs (Priority) as the Yellow Giant.
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