Friday, November 14, 2014

In the South China Morning Post Snowden says,

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Whistleblower Edward Snowden is still in Hong Kong and has given an interview to the South China Morning Post. The newspaper promises new revelations of former Defense royalmail tracking employee, but the interview is not yet released.
In the South China Morning Post Snowden says, "I'm a traitor or hero. I'm American. "The newspaper promises that Snowden is in the interview reveal more about the bugging of the US Secret Service. He will also talk about his future plans, the actions of the United States since his revelations and the concerns he has for his family.
"People who think that I have made by choosing Hong Kong, a mistake do not understand. My motive I'm not here to abscond from justice; I'm here to reveal crime. "
"There is no reason to doubt the legal system of Hong Kong. (...) My goal is to make judgments about my fate. "The Court of Hong Kong and the population
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