Eating affects the whole body, including courrier the vagina. Let's strengthen eat fruit, yogurt and eat less sugar if you want less vaginal disease. courrier Weak biological treatment, infertility, premature ejaculation, increase natural testosterone secretion
According to Dr. Mary Rosser, obstetrics and gynecology at Montefiore Medical Center in New York (USA), healthy vaginal pH acid and a natural healthy bacteria helps protect it from being infected courrier and functional work properly.
The foods you eat can affect the pH which alters the taste of the reproductive organs. For example, the spices, garlic, onion, red meat, poultry products, asparagus, broccoli and alcohol can affect the natural balance in the vagina, while fruits and juices courrier can cause vaginal sweetness. courrier But despite these influences how they lasted only 2 to 3 days after eating.
For a healthy vagina, Rosser doctor recommends women eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plenty of water. And if you like to eat yogurt is even better. The doctor said that yogurt contains live and active microorganisms are probiotics can help keep the vagina healthy and acidic pH balance. courrier
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