Monday, February 10, 2014

His dad, his mom and his entire family are muslims from Indonesia and Kenya.

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Posted in: Uncategorized . Tagged: 19-Year-old Gang Rape Victim to Receive 200 Lashes postal service and 6 Months in Jail in Saudi Arabia , Gang-Rape , Islam , islamic , Jihad , Koran , Muhammad , muslim , Obama , OIC , Qur'an postal service , Saudi Arabia , Sharia postal service , Sharia Law , terrorism , Women . 192 comments
A Saudi Arabian woman must be accompanied by a male guardian — typically relative — at all times in public. The rape victim violated this law by meeting a friend to retrieve a picture. A 19-year-old gang rape victim was sentenced to 200 lashes and to six months in jail for the crime of indecency and speaking to the press.
← Did you know.. Allah Killed Muhammad for Being a False Prophet? (Video)
I disagree with the court system and what they are doing, and what they do in SA is messed up due to Muslim extremism, but the arrogance in your commentary is kind of over the top as well. It goes against everything Americans stand for? America is one country, not the world and there isn’t a single person outside of the USA that is required to follow what an American stands for.
re: Keshia;
The belief you espouse is certainly a commonly held one, but that doesn’t make it correct nor defensible. You might point out that other cultures adhere to different postal service “moral” standards, but you would be merely postal service describing a state, not providing a rational basis for their morality.
it’s OK if you detected arrogance, i think it’s called for in this case. And thank you for your contribution to modern culture, postal service namely Oil. Instead of pondering what would happen to American culture, why don’t you consider where YOU’d be without that oil.
I don’t agree with this culture, however that is my moral right to believe, as they have theirs. As for Bobby, Sven I would say has done plenty of reading and has a lot of knowledge about them. It is you Bobby who needs to pick up a book. Resorting to name calling because someone disagree’s with you? These are the actions a child would take.
First, Obama is not a muslim. In Islam, postal service killing a muslim is haram and there you have obama sending drones to Afghanistan and Pakistan? Those are from the US. Second, No true Syaria is being implemented today. About 1/3rd of Syaria is not being implemented (mostly relates to finance stuff). 3rd, the one who post this article truly doesn’t know Islam for whatever he/she claims that he/she have read the Qur’an and the Hadeeth. The evidence is very obvious. If you had truly understand, you wouldn’t be saying such things.
The girl is still in the wrong though but the punishment of the men being killed still has to be implemented. The women being lashed 200 times has no basis shockingly. If it has, I urge you to bring the evidence.
Some good will not hide all the evil. The Saudis is a regime. Under them poverty rate has increased up to 60% all this while they themselves, the kings and princes are enjoying luxury? Drinking alcohol and the sorts (there’s pics to proof)?
If you are an ex-muslim, and this is truly what you do then no doubt your punishment according to Islamic law is death. And this is where the death sentence can be applied correctly (agreed upon by all 4 imams). Leaving Islam and keeping quiet won’t cause you your life. But if you start inviting others to your cause then know that you are inviting trouble. Sadly, we don’t have true Islamic state to implement it. Hence we have people like you.
Don’t you have fear of your creator? The One which has still given you the chance to breathe after what you’ve done? There is still time to turn back and if you turn back and invite others to Islam, you will be spared. There is a Sahabah postal service who has a similar story of yours.
Don’t be surprised, had Islam been a cult, it would never have spread so fast. Same goes for christianity. But something went wrong along the way. In Islam, we have a record, christians don’t. postal service Bid’ah is forbidden, yet we still have people doing it. Hence why ibn Abdul Wahhab came into the scene.
His dad, his mom and his entire family are muslims from Indonesia and Kenya.
How many were put to death?
Have a great day!
Are you for REAL??? Get a life! Islam has a “science?” OH HELL NO! Everything Islam claims as being theirs they have “ripped-off” from someone else! P

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