Friday, December 13, 2013

[TUT] What is TeamViewer TeamViewer? TeamViewer is a program that serves as input to the PC for som

[TUT] What is TeamViewer TeamViewer? TeamViewer is a program that serves as input to the PC for someone else .. How? Eh like this in a couple of seconds the courier and almost ... Install the TeamViewer link: I would recommend that you download from above 5 Full name is: TeamViewer Portable v4.1.6911 [English] It is the latest portable version .. Oh how sad ... Easy xD Get a zipped file that you have to unpack ... Once you've unpacked then you need to start TeamViewer and get a blue window, where you have the left side of the form ID 580 805 519, and password in the form of 3202 .. Then tell someone to mate and he took off .. then when the cartridge is removed him I unpacked and started to give you his id and password. the courier when you do that then you just type ID on the right side of the space where it says ID and empty that you will write, Friend's ID and then go down to Connect the courier to the Partner .. It will begin konektovati and you will find out that you type the password you provide the password that you gave friend and connect again. Then you will open a window the courier of his computers and everything will be clear to you! ...
Msn 1:33 Controller works on the principle of MSN plus that must be installed in order to attack the victim .. the steps I'll explain how to Hakata someone's computer using msn controller .. Download MSN Plus at: Then install. Here's a link with which you will have removed the controller Msn: then obtained a zipped file Titled msn controller 1:33 Un-Zipujete it then you have two folders Your files These are the files that you have Install ... The files are in the form of msn Scripts the courier .. that must be installed the courier there are two files named one second controller 1:33 Pirate Controller .. Another folder titled Victim installer thows .. There are scripts that the victim has installed .. The names of some script Hu-Hu Clone, Nudges has another 4 i think .... so you can change the name of the script as a cool text and send them and the victim is installed you knock him on chat [version] .. if said Hu hu clone means it worked then you go to your script and click on the Controller or 1:33 Pirates controller and you have a menu to find out the number from the victim's PC for shutting down systems to fell and lots more ...
He isolated himself plenty of time to write TUT telnet hack that was tested and works 100% .. [What is telnet?] the courier Telnet is unbelievable tool that every hacker must know the benefits before you even thinking the courier about hacking servers. Telnet is better said protocol demands and who initiates a TCP / IP. It can be used to connect to the remote server and execute a command line program, simply by entering the command in its GUI (Graphical User Interface) window. Telnet is located in the Windows folder that is in the c: \ windows \ telnet.exe IUC: \ WINNT \ system32 \ telnet.exe on Windows NT systems, and you can run it if the MSDOS-in type the telnet. [How to connect to the remote computer?] Is very easy to connect to a remote computer using Telnet. Telnet and when you appear his window just click on: CONNECT> REMOTE SYSTEM and then the 'Host Name', enter the IP address or host computers on which connects. Then, in 'PORT' enter an open port on which it connects. the courier TermType should almost always be that you set to VT100. Click Connect and you'll be Logged on remote machines. The simplest way to run a telnet and its connect to the system if the MSDOS-enter the password in the C: \> telnet # # # - where the telnet command to initialize the program telnet, and the host or IP address to which connects (eg ptt.yu), and # # # is the number of open ports (eg 139) happens to be a problem in that you do not know to which port that is unable to connect to the open port on the machine on which the connects. To get the list of open ports, you must use Port Scanner or another program that scans the machine for open ports. I know it's lamerski use the program for something like scanning open ports, but this way is easiest the courier for you. This is a list of some basic ports: Ping 7 Systat 11 13 Time NetStat 15 FTP 21 SSH 22 Telnet the courier 23 SMTP 25 Whois 43 Finger 79 HTTP 80 POP 110 NNTP 119 IDENT 139 As an example of leaving it and using telnet will show you connect to the FTP port. So, like ... If you want to connect to the PC for certain who has the IP address I'm the first to scanning with the help of port scanning for open ports on the computer. Will display a list of all open ports. Of course, I can see that it is open and port 21 that is FTP. Let me in MSDOS-in type in C: \> telnet 21 and konektovacu the desired FTP server. Now just type? (2 times, then press ENTER) and you will get a list of commands that you can use. This goes for all the other ports to which you want unable to connect. This will help to sound funny, but it's interesting ... with the help of telnet the courier can be konektovati on any IRC chat server, so that you can telnet serve as ir

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