* "C'est pas parce qu'ils sont nombreux avoir tort qu'ils culmination ont raison!" What country would want rich and poor, what do you I get the difference; Winter gn to get everyone home bark. Country I would like to live, love like you get from GNL; Regardless of a şikyet lm. Our language, our identity, our BED, ON END to PRINT! PRINT THAT EXPENSES heathen for libel ATA ZULU I EKERLER AFTER they are BASED on the path of Allah ... 62!
Info Created: 02/12/2009 at 5:03 AM Updated: 11/30/2013 at 9:19 AM 4 Articles 220 comments 60 friends 61 favorites 6 hearts
Bellow sword LIKE KESKIN COURSE I LIKE KINLI Firat LIKE drilled by a love of lovers you jealous is yregi my written forehead are snmeyen in Yreka as friendly to the DSM until stubbornness gnlmn sultana riot fever like the text you step will remove Zulma Press You wish you were the sine tone does not have the reserves to be sound if it is full of secrets I can not be described COURSE
One of Yreka; The yry to Yreka from Yreka was a rzg; People who love blowing incessantly whether Serena will not have to deal with that fascism remove culmination UNEXPECTED, the tken Yreka ... that lesson now ... was not a worthy father culmination to escalate the mountain a long yryşt Erdogan Pen had; had by Books; investigating standstill, had become accustomed to living the Will; energy was SevdaLi culmination HK addition to being wild flower soil, twisted whereabouts or the identity of the dungeon deserter was not appropriate. culmination What concrete walls, windows flowed from what k gz joy of mountain springs had nk target "A COURSE OBJECTIVES B COURSE I'm NOT ENOUGH TO BE"
I grdm course near a gene, distant lands up in hopes of Srgn ares were like prisoners on the gallows in my hands, I'd say forget Friendly alert though as you look at the stars loved the darkness was too afraid Gkyz n in which each star, my i's precious culmination say life I was also argued that the invincible Dertli people go in their battle for GT bedri, in step every byka taken: Even Rzg branch of the inclination, Life you tilt have selected the road hard as it is stand up, do not give up on life's culmination heartaches axis every pain you will learn the additional living every man must stand, even rains lead to zerda ...
humanity ... they lit! Humanity today is July 2, provided they lit the flame i lit humanity culmination course, I then, sivas Mare $ 't lit, today 24 december. at least not in Malatya made the animality ... enough ... enough is enough now useless ... they did their works out they leave betrayal, denial, idiots like pain, cruelty, misery was created bread i .. humanity. ?
lol j'ai rien comprar bezard est ton block of
The only way -tkt revolution -viv la communis on ..
bonne contunuatio the least :)
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