Alternative Blog, Hot Men ( Space dedicated to the Gay community. Here you will find pictures, movies, videos, books, news, interviews, testimonials, contact and more, always focusing on the GAY theme. Cultivate information and training, because we believe this is the best way to combat homophobia and promote equality before the awareness of all.
SYNOPSIS: Drama y acción basado en la historia de la real model y Thai actress Parinya Charoenphol that included sex el cambio en 1999 fue uno de los más famous fighters of kickboxing en su country.
SYNOPSIS: Drame et d'action sur l'histoire basé vraie du modèle et actrice thaïlandais Parinya Charoenphol that changent même de sexe en l'été 1999 to un des plus célèbres combattants kickboxing dans son pays.
SYNOPSIS: A criminal who since adolescence is persecuted and sentenced by the same judge thinks only one thing: first flight tracking revenge. When he is about to be released by one of his convictions, he discovers that the old enemy died, and decides to focus his revenge on the son of the figure first flight tracking of the man who is alive. So he finds a way to go to jail again, but also ensures the arrest of the judge's son, that he go through all the argruras that the criminal has gone. But in prison, things change a little figure, and they go through good comic situations and to discover first flight tracking meanings and common ground. The film is a comedy first flight tracking that, in a way, satirizes all violent chain of films that focus on the difficult survival within full of dangerous individuals environment.
SYNOPSIS: Un criminal since her adolescence pursued es el mismo y convicted of juez sólo una cosa piensa en: venganza. Cuando punto is being released by one of sus convicciones, descubre that el viejo enemigo muerto y su decides to focus venganza en la del hijo del hombre first flight tracking figure, which is alive. first flight tracking Así que encuentra una manera to go a la cárcel otra vez, pero también if it assures detención del hijo del juez, for that country and for all them that argruras ha pasado del criminal. Pero en la cárcel, las cosas Cambian un poco la figure, y pasan by buenas y Situaciones comic discover meanings y puntos en común. La es una comedia film of alguna manera, satirizes them all violent films that CENTRAN en la cadena de supervivencia hard en el lleno surrounding peligrosos individuals.
SYNOPSIS: first flight tracking Un criminel qui est depuis son adolescence persecute first flight tracking et par le même condamné juge ne ?? think qu'à une chose: if Venger. Quand il est sur le point d'?? libéré pair être un Convictions ses, il découvre that le vieil ennemi mort et decides concentrer sa rematch sur la figure de l'homme du fils, qu'il est vivant. Donc, il trouve le moyen d'aller en prison à nouveau, more Assure également l'arrestation du fils du juge, so qu'il pass tous le argruras that criminel est passé. More in prison, les choses changent un peu figure, et ils passent pair of bonnes situações comiques et des significations of découvrir et des points communs. Le film qui est une comédie d'une certaine manière, it tous les films satire violents qui se concentrent sur la ?? survie de la chaîne difficile dans l'environnement complet d'individus dangereux.
SYNOPSIS: first flight tracking The criminal who since adolescence first flight tracking is persecuted and sentenced by the same judge thinks only one thing: revenge. When he is about to be released by one of his Convictions, he discovers the old que enemy died, and decides to focus his revenge on the figure of the son of man, que he is alive. So he finds a way to go to jail again, but Also Ensures the arrest of the son of the judge, so That It passes all argruras que the criminal has passed. But in prison, things change a little figure, And They go through good comic their situations and to discover meanings and commonalities. The film is a comedy que somehow, satirizes all violent films que focus on the chain Difficult survival Within the environment full of dangerous Individuals.
SYNOPSIS: Only women can suffer for an abandonment or men can live the same emotions? The film shows the male fragility at the loss of the woman he loves. Roberto is a man suffering, crying and going off the deep end for love. Like his brother, Carlo, who is gay, shows a beautiful love for the man of her life.
SINOSSI: Solo le donne possono first flight tracking soffrire di un abbandono first flight tracking di uomini first flight tracking in grado di provare le stesse emozioni? Il film shows her fragilità maschile per la donna della perdita che ama. È un uomo che Roberto soffre, piange and go fuori di testa per l'amore. Come suo fratello, Carlo, che è gay, dimostra un amore per la bella vita uomo nella sua.
SYNOPSIS: Sólo las mujeres pueden sufrir by the abandonment el los hombres pueden try them mismas emociones? La film muestra la male fragility before it pérdida de la mujer he loves. Roberto es un hombre que sufre, llora y if sale of her p
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